CP Protect

The active ingredient used to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses in CP Protect is benzalkonium chloride (BZK). It is an organic salt, classified as a quarternary ammonium compound and is a type of cationic surfactant – commonly used as a preservative.

BZK is known for its microbial activity and is an active ingredient in many consumer products:

– Pharmaceutical products such as eye, ear and nasal sprays/drops
– Skin antiseptics and wound wash sprays
– Throat lozenges and mouthwashes
– Algaecides for clearing of algae, moss, etc

"CP Protect clears quickly, leaving a fresh scent in the applied area"

An advantage of BZK, not shared by ethanol-based antiseptics or hydrogen peroxide antiseptic, is that it does not cause any burning sensations when applied to broken skin. BZK is also recognized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an eligible alternative for use in the formulation of healthcare and personnel hand rubs. 

BZK solutions are fast-acting biocidal agents with a moderately long duration of action and effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Studies have shown that BZK based sanitizers performed better than alcohol-based sanitizers after prolonger and repeated use. 

Usage of CP Protect is optimized for:

– Spray bottles
– Misting guns
– Fogging machines

Our formulation was developed to leave little to no stains or residue and, because BZK is non-flammable, safe for use with fogging machines. No need to worry about burnt smells or heavy smoke in enclosed areas – CP Protect clears quickly, leaving a fresh scent in the applied area.

While CP Protect was formulated as a surface disinfectant, it is safe for use when in contact with skin. However, it is nor meant to be used directly in oral or ocular scenarios.